the Nocturnal i
Michele “Cookie” Heile, Owner and freelance designer
Approaches each project with the unique client in mind. Creative, reliable, affordable, and timely. Offers design services with focus and interest, a creative mind, and a positive attitude.
I have a flair for creating enticing color pallets and enhancing the overall movement and feel of a piece. I believe in white space, fewer fonts, and a single strong element. ~ Michele “Cookie” Heile
Recent creative projects
Latest in Logo CD Packaging and Logo Design

Latest band posters

Offering design services for businesses, small and large, bands, non-profit, hobbyists, life events… and you. Projects include logo design, static and WordPress websites, hosting, business collateral, along with music industry graphics, such as band posters and CDs. Enjoys life events projects like wedding and party invitations, and so much more. Located in Portland, Oregon, but has clients across the US, Michele, is personable and professional.
Contact the Nocturnal i today, you’ll be happy you did.

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